
We start to support people

We start to support people

April 8, 1990

By the middle of 1990, 15 people are living in their own home and we employ 20 people.

More Stories – 1990

  • Philip StottPhillip Stott –
    “I had a great time at my 65th, the choir was lovely.”

  • geraldineJones-serviceco-ordinator-Geraldine Jones – Longest serving Team Member
    “It is 24 years since I started with CLC. I have enjoyed my job helping people live independent lives and becoming part of a community. I have seen many changes over the years there was a time when I had a picture in my office of Rick and a set of darts (never used). I must say that we would not be the company we are today if it wasn’t for the Support staff many of whom work over and above their role.”

  • Jacqui BudgeJacqui Budge – Team Member –
    “Over the years there have been many changes ,I think especially recording,when back in the day we just wrote a short statement in the house diary, but one thing has remained the same that is the excellent service we provide always tenant led which improves every year.”

  • StuartHarperCommitteeMemberStuart Harper – Board Member –
    “Employed as a social worker 41yrs ago I accompanied a young man to Hensol Hospital, the only facility available, in order to give his mum a break. 41yrs later that not so young man is living in his own tenancy with support from the Consortium.”

  • Phil DaviesPhil Davies – Social Services Colleague –
    “CLC; you, the community, are brill! I have grown up with you for the past 25 years and feel proud to be part of the family.”